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UBC Athletics commissioned us to help do promo for Thunderstruck, a rivalry match between UBC Women's Basketball team and their rivals, the UVIC Vikes. 


The brief asked for suspense. In our early concept meetings we discussed how we could use the natural sounds of a basketball game to build suspense throughout a single promo video. We came up with a line, "hold your breath," to illustrate both the work that goes into being a student athlete, and also as a call to action for UBC students to hold their breath in suspense of the rivalry game. The video followed suit, and we ended up building suspense through breathing. 

To supplement the video we built shorter cuts of the same concept to use for promotion on social media platfoms.


The result: 

The video reached over 83,000 people and had over 29,000 unique views. 

Nearly 1,500 people attended the event, the largest crowed at a UBC Women's Basketball game in over a generation.